Online Classes
Online All levels Mat Pilates
Join me on Monday morning at 6.30am to start your week right, in my all levels Mat Pilates class. Too early? Come to a beautiful Wednesday evening 7.30pm all levels class, where you will feel worked out and uplifted but also after my calming breath work and meditations, relaxed and serene ready for a restful nights sleep.
Pre and Posnatal Online class
On Thursday at 12 noon, enjoy a serene and rehabilitating Pre and post natal class, during this class we will work on maintaining strength, tone and flexibility during pregnancy or rehabilitation and gradual strength progression for new mums to help you on your road to recovery and beyond. This class if full of tips and techniques to help you on which ever journey you are on, it will leave you feeling, strong and empowered in both body and mind and leave you will a deep sense of clam after my closing phase which offers calming breathing and relaxation.
Online One to One Pilates training
If you love Pilates and want to progress, but wonder if your technique is right or want to take things to the next level I can help. Or if you feel daunted starting pilates and don’t know where to begin or perhaps you need some rehab post injury, get in touch for a warm, insightful and enjoyable class.